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5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

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Getting exposure for your business can be hard. Here are 5 great ways you can start to get exposure for your small business today! Be sure to let us know in the comments which one of these ideas worked the best for you. Share this with a business owner friend or colleague!

5 Ways To Get Business Exposure – Search engine optimization (SEO):

SEO text inside an article on 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

Continuing our exploration of 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure: A great way to gain exposure to potential customers is thru SEO, which is used in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Hashtags along with appropriate content on your social media posts and blogs, can help customers get to you faster when it goes to the top of those high traffic search engines. Using multiple Hashtags and links exposes your company to much more consumer traffic. Make sure you implement the right target keywords that will enable people to find you on the first page. Keyword research is highly recommended. Make your words work for you!

5 Ways To Get Business Exposure – Live Streaming (LSC):

Live stream text inside of an article 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

An exciting way to engage customers is with Live Streaming Content. Facebook and other platforms such as Instagram are now encouraging users to share content with their customers live. This is to build engagements with followers, which Facebook is increasingly focusing its attention on in 2019. For example, having your product or service being used by an everyday person or celebrity Live on Facebook can generate your company hundreds or thousands of viewers. The key is to find the right person or people that believe in your products. Especially if you advertise the event beforehand. Viewers can watch while you demonstrate your goodies to and engage them visually. Live Stream Giveaways are also a way to connect with fans. You can also allowreal time question and answer segments where potential customers can ask anything about the company and make them even more engaged with your brand!

5 Ways To Get Business Exposure – Contests:

Text saying Contest inside of an article on 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

Who wants to be seen? Who doesn’t like a little competition? Many people want to be seen and heard on their social media accounts. We don’t post just for fun, we want to be seen, heard and acknowledged! What better way to get potential customers by holding a contest! Either with or without a prize, just having a little recognition on your company website or social media pages, will bring you a wide variety of people that will do all sorts of things just for a chance to be picked. Whether it’s holding your company product in a selfie or doing something wacky in a picture or video, people will flock to it just for the attention, giving you potential customers at very minimal cost if any!

5 Ways To Get Business Exposure – Giveaways:

Giveway text inside of an article on 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

Do you like getting free stuff? Who doesn’t like something for free? Holding a simple Giveaway for your company will draw in many potential customers looking to get free stuff! This option can be paired with a Contest or Activity. On its own you can get people’s information simply for a chance to win something and sometimes it can be something as cheap as a $10-dollar shirt with your company Logo! This in turns gives you access to future customers through their email addresses and social media pages! The cost can be minimal, but the results could be amazing! Gaining exposure thru giveaways is a great way to stretch your advertising dollars! Market to them later through email automation and convert them into viable leads. LEARN MORE.

5 Ways To Get Business Exposure – Activities:

Words that say activity inside of an article on 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure

In conclusion to our article on 5 Ways To Get Business Exposure: It seems like every other week we hear about a Challenge that people will start to do just to either gain exposure for themselves or their page or simply to gain free stuff. Sometimes both. Pairing this option with a giveaway or contest brings even more people to you! Some do it just for the fun of saying they did it and others will want to participate simply as a fan. Engaging people in activities is a great way to get people talking about your company with friends. Using your product or service in a challenge or activity will bring people to you. They will need to buy from you to complete this ‘challenge or activity’ meaning a win-win situation on your side for minimal cost. If the challenge or activity is safe and can be done by a wide variety of people, your customer base will grow nonetheless for minimal investment! Remember to give it a creative name and make it into a hashtag. There will be traffic and exposure to your website or social media pages. Even allowing people to post their videos and pictures on their own or even choosing them yourself will engage the consumer and bring you more revenue!

More on online advertising on YouTube here. Don’t miss out on the power of video!

Follow COSMarketing Agency for more tips to grow your small business! And be sure to contact us for all your marketing and promo needs!


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