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2020 Ad Trends on YouTube

Make Your Ads Short

No one likes a long ad, but most people like a short compelling ad. For mobile ads, it is suggested to create an ad that is no longer than 15 seconds. If your ads are generally focused for the younger generation, it’s recommended to create an ad that is no longer than 10 seconds.

Make Your Ads Mobile-Friendly

We live in a mobile world. That’s no secret so if you are still creating ads for web browsers alone, you’ll want to change things up a bit. Creating vertical, short ads for mobile users is what’s trending.

Make Your Ads In-Stream

Ads that are set in-stream are great for grabbing the users attention and they work very similar to ads seen on TV. In most cases, these ads can be skipped so it’s important to grab attention from the word go. In-stream ads can come off as pushy, but they are the perfect way to increase brand awareness.

Make Your Ads CTAs

Marketing strategies are meant to bring users towards the call-to-action (CTA). CTAs help to create greater focus and motivate users to act right now. This is done through an email, a “follow us here” directional or more widely used, a phone number. The CTA must be clear-cut or users typically take no action at all.

Make Your Ads Reanimated

Reanimated photos, aka cinema-graphs are one of the most digestible formats of content used in 2020. They are used to create short and effective video advertisements. Microsoft is great at using cinema-graphs in their ads.

Make Your Ads 360-Degrees

This trend is something that is getting more popular every year. Not only are they captivating, but they have a real shot at using VR and AR elements in the future. People are visual so it’s only natural to create ads through a full 360 experience.

A YouTube Ad Campaign can help you with:

Expansion Of Digital Reach

There are nearly 2 billion YouTube account holders which means that you have the chance of reaching so many active users on a monthly basis with one of your ads. With a YouTube ad, the larger your audience, the more potential customers you’ll be able to connect with. It’s important to think about different customer demographics because people will be watching your ads who are from all different walks of life.

Building Value and Direct Sales

YouTube can help a business to establish its brand so that more potential customers will choose their product or service, which leads to more direct sales. This builds value within a business as long as a business is willing to do three things:

  • Give more than they ask
  • Continue to create content
  • Keep the conversation going with customers

Cut Down on Costs

YouTube ads are cost effective because they are measured by a unit called CPM (cost per mile) and that means cost per thousands. One medium of an ad can cost $7.50 CPM. The cost of an ad ranges based on quality so if you don’t have quality videos, YouTube ads could easily be a money pit.

Reach a Targeted Audience

Within marketing, it is a number one goal to reach a targeted audience. If you are spinning your ads at an audience who isn’t interested in your products or service, you are not only wasting time, but you’re wasting money too. YouTube is very helpful in locating your target audience through ads by displaying your ads on a video that is like-minded. Say your ad is health-related, then a viewer may see your ad pop up on a workout video.

If you’re not using YouTube ads, you might want to rethink your marketing strategy.

Want to disusss how YouTube can be benefit your cause or business? Contact us 7-days a week at 407-334-9378 or We are booking no-cost business assessments today!

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