Bing Search Engine Advertising

Many companies forget about Microsoft Bing. While most people use Google, Bing still has a significant amount of people on their platform. Ads on Bing are also a fraction of the cost of Google ads. 

We include Bing ads with most of our Google ad plans to boost your reach & get you more prospects! We pair Google with Bing as using the two makes for MUCH better results. 

Microsoft Bing Advertising

Reasons for using Bing Search Engine Advertising

Microsoft Bing Advertising

Bing Ads Device Targeting

Bing has the ability for users to dial in on what specific devices they want to run ads on. You can choose to solely advertise on a mobile, tablet, or desktop computer depending on your target audience and what devices they use. 

For example, if you were running ads to target customers under the age of 25, then mobile devices would be the best way to reach them. 

Bing Ads Search Partners - Microsoft Bing Advertising

Customized Advertising With Search Partners

Google gives you the option to either include the search network or not. They won’t let you know what websites are all part of their search network either, this makes it hard to decide if your ads are truly showing in front of the correct crowd.

Bing allows you to define exactly which search network websites to advertise on. You can choose to advertise on just Yahoo and Bing should you want to leave all other search networks alone.

Bing Advertising Company - Microsoft Bing Advertising

Explicitly Controlled Search Demographics

Bing allows you to directly and explicitly target a certain demographic and only allow that ad to show in front of who you truly want it in front of. This is extremely powerful if you know exactly who your target customer is!