The past year has been full of tumultuous activity when it comes to the business world. The rules of the digital marketing game have had to change just to keep up with the shift. And, things don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Now, more than ever, marketers are looking to engage with their customers, nurture their products and services into a new life that attracts new customers, and of course, increases revenue. Without concrete plans to put into action, likely, many businesses will, unfortunately, become unsuccessful.

Some digital marketing strategy mistakes you’re probably making:

Digital marketing trends on a graph, drawn on a piece of paper.

You Don’t Have the Data

If you don’t have the data, how can your business be taken seriously? You need a data-informed marketing plan that is based on your prior year’s outlook. To do this, Google Analytics is the perfect choice because it’s a business intelligence tool that shows how your audience engages with your business to find products and/or services.

Your Content is Cookie Cutter

Content should never be the same old same old because nothing is interesting in that and chances are, someone else has already done it. You want hot and trendy, never been seen before content that rattles your viewer, but in a good way. You should be meeting your viewers with information that is personal and relevant but also new and exclusive.

You’re a Set it and Forget it Type of Marketer

Some activities need a set it and forget it type of mentality, but marketing is not one of them. The moment you set it and forget it, someone else has blown past you in the race. Sometimes, you create the most impressive and ambitious content and then realize it’s the wrong timing, and instead of using it, you place it in a folder. This is the death of the marketing genius that could have set you apart from another marketer who is now getting all the winnings. Never set and forget.

Person brainstorming digital marketing strategies on paper.

You’re Not Flexible

If last year taught us just one thing, it’s to be more flexible. To not put all of our eggs into one basket and expect that to get us to our long-term goals. Flexibility while trying to create a lasting foundation seems like that of an oxymoron, but it’s the only way to create a digital marketing brand that sells.

While last year was a big year to show just how possible anything is, it was also a critical moment in showing how marketing in your business has its flaws. Many marketers are picking up on that and if you haven’t yet, it’s time to set down the stone tablet and create change in your digital marketing strategy.

Thanks for reading this article! We are offering all small businesses a free strategy call to go over their plans and determine the best course of action for them. We customize all our plans to meet our client’s unique needs. Call us at 407-334-9378 or email us at today!

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