COVID-19 is continuing to change the way that people get together, conduct business and now, even shop at the stores. In fact, it has now become mandatory to wear a mask in some states when going into any business. COVID-19 cases are increasing daily, which means that a lot of summer events will be either canceled or postponed, online shopping will continue to increase and that most people will not be able to return back to work anytime soon. It also means that businesses need a stronger online presence to compete with others businesses.
7 Tips For Building a Better Social Media Presence
1. We all love acronyms right? Well, most people do because it helps them to remember something that’s very long. Take SMART goals, for example:
S-Specific: Identify your goal
M-Measurable-What’s the response rate?
A- Achievable:What’s a realistic goal?
R- Relevant-What’s the impact?
T-Time-bound:Set a due time/date
By remembering SMART goals, you can create a better way to build an online presence because you know what you want, when you expect it and how you are going to achieve it.
2. Who is your audience? That’s a very important question. Everyone isn’t your audience so you need to figure out who you are trying to appeal to. Each type of person will see your product or service differently. Adults will not be into the same things that teens are into and vice versa. Know your audience.
3. Humanize your profile by adding in some personalizations. No one wants to feel like they are just talking to a faceless corporation. In fact, that actually loses a lot of customers. Crack jokes, tell humorous stories and engage with your audience.
4. Get to know your followers and build relationships. People do not like feeling like just another number. So, be personable and help your followers feel as special as they are.
5. Automation is important for any business that gets very busy and can’t always be engaging, but it’s important to automate the right way. You can’t really use a “this shoe fits all” sort of approach to automation. So when it comes to customer care, always personalize it. For many other aspects, automation works.
6. As a business, your primary goal is to make a sell. However, as a profile on social media, your primary goal should be to help. Always provide your followers with your services and products, but never try to make that hard sell online. Instead, try to offer them all the assistance they need so they will want to buy what you are selling.
7. Using visuals is so important in the online world as a whole, but even more important when it comes to social media. Videos get six times the engagement that other types of engagements get. I think that more than speaks for itself.
With COVID-19 causing such a stir in our world, it is vital to know what you can do to keep things as normal as possible. Knowing how to conduct your business online is the most important thing you can do to keep your business afloat. Knowing about popular trends on social media just might be the golden ticket that saves your business completely.